Players ages 7 to 13 who love basketball will enjoy full days of supervised games and instruction during public school Spring Break from April 23 – 26, Tuesday to Friday.

The Safe Haven West Side Basketball League’s instructors, headed by Brian DeJesus, will facilitate a dynamic program geared to meet the needs of all players–from beginner to advanced skill levels.

  • Location: PS 84 on West 92nd Street between CPW and Columbus
  • Dates: Tuesday through Friday, April 23–26
  • Hours: 9am – 4:15pm. (Doors open 8:30 a.m.)
  • Lunch and snacks: Bring lunch and drink (no soda or glass bottles) and healthy snacks

Choose all four days or single days; your child will have a great time getting “court smart!”

Fees & Registration Deadlines
Payment RECEIVED BY APRIL 16th4 days $185; single days $60 per day
Payment RECEIVED AFTER APRIL 16th4 days $225: single days $65 per day


Mail or Drop off form and payment payable to:

Safe Haven West Side Basketball League
c/o Copy Experts, Box 257, at 2424 Broadway (89th Street), New York, NY 10024.